Why are videos useful tools for students?
Site like YouTube have a vast audience. This includes tens of thousands of videos connected to academic content. For one example see the videos created by Ted-Ed which reach millions of viewers each day. At the same time, it has become easier than ever before to create academic videos. Universities, museums, scholars, and students around the globe are creating their own videos, and even entire YouTube channels, to engage with audiences on scholarly themes. In this assignment, students will make their own short educational video.
Goal of the Assignment
A video assignment aims to develop students’ digital dexterities. It can ask students to utilize the same writing, research, and argumentation skills they would use in a historical or literary essay, but it adds further opportunity for students to experiment with video production skills. Language students may find video assignments a good alternative to in-class role-played exercises as they practice the same skills while allowing for multiple takes.
Science educator, entrepreneur, and philanthropist Hank Green demonstrates how to make an effective video essay.
What level of digital skill do my students need to demonstrate?
To be successful in this assignment, all we are asking students to do is produce a video. The content of the video is much more important than the quality of the video itself.
The four minute video to the left explains how to make a compelling video essay and shows that you do not need fancy equipment or complex editing skills.
Students will be given two paths for this assignment: 1) a basic video and 2) a more advanced assignment for students who want to challenge themselves.
In both cases, we are assuming that students are using free video production tools. For example, iMovie and Windows Movie Maker come pre-installed on Mac and Windows computers respectively and are powerful tools for simple video editing. Students may already be familiar with these tools as well as Zoom, which can be used easily for video recording. Students will NOT be expected to purchase any equipment or software to be successful in this assignment.